Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Training Reese to Use A Pencil

Reese was never interested in drawing or colouring. So I never bothered to do any of the related activities.

In fact, I have no idea how to teach him to hold a pencil (he is left-handed) let alone draw! Thank God for school, Reese has began to hold the pencil more correctly and has learned to not colour out of the line.

The past month, I started to draw things related to his favourite cartoons. One of those were balloons carrying a house from UP. Reese has always been fascinated with balloons since he was a baby. So I took advantage of that and tried to ask him to colour with magic colour. He actually did it and told me that he must not colour out of line! I was impressed. At times, he spent close to an hour colouring the balloons and he did a great job too, each balloon filled with colours and nothing out of the line.


LittleLamb said...

I like the pic. Got style.

A gift from God said...


I like them too... :)