Sunday, March 08, 2009

My little Ticketing Machine

Whenever we go to the playgroup, Reese and another boy will pick up the small board books and insert it through a little slit which was suppose to be a pretend ATM machine. He loves doing it. He also enjoys taking tickets whenever I pay for a parking ticket.

Then I had an idea of making a ticketing machine for him to play with but I was too lazy and tired. About 1 week ago, while browsing some toys I saw a wooden mail box! I nearly bought it but the price is a little ridiculous. It was RM110 or something. It's just a small wooden mail box.

So I made up my mind, that I am going to make one for Reese. So on Friday night, I started making the mail box which later became a ticketing machine instead. It has two slits. One big and one small. Then later I added a small coin holding compartment. It took me a few hours to get it done while chatting online with some friends. Thank God for multitasking!
Let the pictures do the talking. What do you think of it?

The table was a mess, I was also doing some phonic flash cards

My very own hand made ticketing machine. I wanted to add more things but lazy

The key pad was raised so it felt more real and can you see the coin container just below the smaller slit.

Reese played with it for over an hour and he likes going inside the box and look through the slit

It could be better but I am happy because my boy loves it!

It's time consuming but I managed to save over a RM100 and most of all, it's the satisfaction and the joy of seeing Reese enjoying his new toy.


Merryn said...

good job there! looks great.. but if my ethan gets that, the purple paper will be gone in an instant!

u really have the patience and heart to do this... haih.. :)

A gift from God said...


The purple paper is slowly being destroyed..hehe.. in fact, already did a few repairs here and there. It's not even played for over a day yet!

Linda said...

wow. very creative. u must have spent a lot of time doing it. I am a lazy mum, and I just bought a ready made micky mouse atm toy machine for my daughter to play, SGD60+ (i think) during singapore toys fair last december.

A gift from God said...

Spent a few hours but that was also chatting at the same time. I think the whole thing can be done under 3 hours. :)

My first home made toy! :)

Wah... SGD60... that is not cheap.. :)

Kristie said...

yes dear, u are smart to improvise! toys are so expensive these days!

Baby Darren said...

wow.......a very nice ticketing machine....

the satisfaction is great when you see your boy enjoying playing with it right??? It worth all the effort and time spent...