Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What do we do with Reese most of the time?

  • Play computer with him.
  • Sing to him.
  • Play catch with him.
  • Read with him.
  • Play with him on the bed.
  • Play toys with him.
  • Draws with him.
  • Take him to the playground or fountain.
  • Once in a while play in the shower with him while bathing him.
  • Go shopping with him.


  • Sing to and with him.
  • Dance with him.
  • Do silly faces with him.
  • Play in the shower with him.
  • Play catch with him.
  • Take him to the playground or fountain.
  • Take short walks with him.
  • Go swimming with him.
  • Read to and with him.
  • Play flash cards with him.
  • Play computer with him.
  • Draws with him.
  • Go shopping with him.
  • Play hike and seek with him.
  • Play on the bed with him.

We love spending time with Reese but it is getting more and more tiring because Reese is so hyper active!! In public places, we usually let Reese to freely explore and we will follow closely behind him. Most of the time, he will run like a fugitive!! We used to be able to catch up with him even when he runs...now... we have to run after him... he is so fast! We are a little worried whether this trend is going to continue...two parents running like mad people chasing after a little boy...haha and when we try to carry him... he will use all his strength to wriggle out of our arms...and he is sooooo strong that it's quite impossible to not let go! Yesterday evening my aunt ask me what I fed Reese until he can be so strong... :)

I love to sing with him. These days, his singing skill has improved alot. You can actually hear a tune or two when he sings. I love to watch him clap his hands. The way he does it, is like a very skillful master appreciating music while clapping and the best part is.. he claps with good timing too... Oh...another thing about Reese, once in a while... he will shake his butt to the music that he likes...oh..that is a real killer... :)

I also love the way he blinks his eyes... eyes shut tight and baring his teeth with a grin... or when his little dimple decided to show it self... His voice is always sweet...even when he shouts..ok..that is not so nice....hahaha...

When he plays hike and seek or catch... you can see his excited face plus rosy cheeks burning from all the running and jumping... you can't help but love the little one to bits... ah....there is so much to love about this little boy... no wonder people say a mummy's love is endless....

Oh... my absolute favourite is when he walks up to me and calls me Ah mee(mummy) and grabs my hand and meticulously place his hand into mine the way he likes it...and leads me to wherever he wants me to go with him.... I just melt instantly.

1 comment:

Moomykin said...

It's so yrue that no one knows what joy a child can bring until you have your own. :)

Keep up the good work, Ah Mee!