Thursday, November 13, 2008

Food Poisoning

I have been sick since Sunday and as I write this post, I am still recovering from bad food poisoning. In 5 days I saw the doctor three times and took 2 jabs. I had terrible body and joint ache, I had diarrhea, I had fever, I had cold sweat, I vomited, I had bad stomach ache and crams, I couldn't sleep and most of the time I am on the bed or the sofa.

My poor husband had to take leave to care for me and my boy.

My poor boy didn't get to play with mummy.

It was a horrible experience.

I am glad that it will be over soon. I went to the doctor today and finally had to take 2 different antibiotics to clear the bugs! Ahhh.... should have given me earlier.


Moomykin said...

Hope you'll be all well soon.

Take care.

Blessed mum said...

poor mummy..hope you get well soon.

take care.

Leona said...

Hi... Hope u are feeling better by now...take lots of ORS...(oral rehydration salts)...

Baby Darren said...

oh..poor you....glad u are recovering now...take care..

A gift from God said...

Dear mummies,

Thank you so much. I am well again and kicking real hard...hahaha...