Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Dark Side of Preschool

Came across this article and I think it's pretty interesting. It's worth a read.

Excerpts from the article:

You send your child to preschool, hoping she will learn better people skills. Instead, she comes back with new behavior problems—-increased rudeness, or whining, or aggression. Spending lots of time with peers doesn’t seem to have improved her social skills. It’s made them worse!

It’s an experience shared by many parents, according to researchers at Stanford and the University of California.

Drawing on a massive, national database of over 14,000 children from diverse backgrounds, researchers examined the effects of preschool attendance on interpersonal skills, self control, and rates of aggression.

The results were remarkably clear:

“We find that attendance in preschool centers, even for short periods of time each week, hinders the rate at which young children develop social skills and display the motivation to engage classroom tasks, as reported by their kindergarten teachers” (Loeb et al 2005).

We might guess that the problem lies with poor quality preschool centers. But even high income children—-who presumably attend the better preschools—-showed increased behavioral problems if they had attended at least 15 hours a week (Loeb et al 2005). Moreover, the effect is dosage-dependent. The more time children spend in centers, the worse their behavior becomes.

Similar results were reported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHHD), which conducted a rigorous longitudinal study on the effects of childcare on children under 5 (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2003).

Over a thousand children were tracked from infancy to kindergarten by investigators at over 20 prominent research universities.

Researchers found that the more time kids spent in non-maternal care during the first 4.5 years of life, the more behavioral problems they developed.

Problems included defiance--like talking back, throwing temper tantrums, and refusing to cooperate. They also included aggressive behaviors--being cruel, destroying toys and other objects, and getting into physical fights.

In addition, kids who spent more time in childcare were rated as less socially competent by their mothers and kindergarten teachers.

The rest of the article can be found here:


Ann said...

Well, some of us really have no choice. Sigh....

LittleLamb said...

today's society is different. i dont think this happen during our parents time. which parent would want to teach their child evil or bad habits???

Anonymous said...

Thanks for highlighting this article. I was subconsciously thinking about the pros and cons in deciding about a 5 day or 3 day preschool. This just confirmed my initial thoughts!

cre8tone said...

Har.. no learning but come back with bad behaviour!!!!!!!!

Thankx for sharing.. I didn't know about the dark side until I read your article...

Linda said...

That't why I prefer to keep my daughter all to myself, under my control, and she follow all my good n bad habits and the way i talked... haha.

Luke Holzmann said...

Powerful argument for the pros of socialization in homeschooling. Thanks for sharing!


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

hmmm.. very interesting, thanks for the article. now i have to seriously consider when to send gib to preschool. i was thinking age three would be perfect, but then... maybe i should just send him for a few montessori play groups....? dilemma.

A gift from God said...

Dear friends,

It's always a pleasure to share information! :) Good day everyone.