Sunday, July 15, 2012

Preparation for His 1st Science Fair II

Today is Sunday! We are not even half way through our project and the science fair is on Tuesday. This mummy is a real procrastinator and poor son has to do as much as he can today! Lot's of facts to write and another few diagrams to go... Then we need to decorate them on the boards we bought. Hopefully today I can get him to finish writing all the facts and complete all three diagrams. Tomorrow we will decorate them on the boards and finally get him to present it once or twice to me before he meets the judges on Tuesday!

Lots of facts to write down and he is not a big fan of writing! Luckily he did not complain but need lots of break time. 
Writes 1 sentence and take 10 to 20 minutes break. :)
Reese did this diagram with his personal touch. He even added support beams in the crust and to show how the shock waves shakes the foundation and eventually breaks them! 
In between breaks. Have to serve him like a king to ensure he is in a good mood to work on his project!
During his frequent breaks; he draws!
Mummy's job is to play CityVille and supervise the kid :)

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