Thursday, June 30, 2011

School Field Trip and Skating...

Yesterday was the 1st International Mud Day. The school took the kids to Kiara Park to play in the 'mud' to celebrate it. Some of us mummies tagged along to help out. Before we left home to meet the kids at the park, it started to rain really heavily and Reese said in a very loud voice, "Oh mummy, I am SO DISAPPOINTED! Why must God sent rain???" He folded his hands (like Tinker Bell) and pouted his lips. So cute...hahaha...

Anyway, the rain slowed down and we went ahead. The kids had a lot of fun digging, splashing basically mucking around! I tried to catch a fish or two but failed and even got scared and shouted when some black creepy-crawly emerge from the of the teachers commented that I should not scared the kids and I told her I can't help it... I am a city girl! hahaha....

Busy digging sand

I am having fun!

The kids were really enjoying themselves

After wash up, they had snack

After the field trip, we went home to have lunch and then off we went to BSC for skating. Just two days ago, took Reese to buy a helmet. It's not cheap! RM139. Well, no choice as safety comes first eh? :) Reese spent about 2.5 hours on the roller ring. He didn't want to go home!

Reese and one of the supervisors. He is really nice with kids. Played with Reese a lot and taught him how to skate better

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