Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All Set for 2012!

We had a simple Christmas celebration this year. Nothing fancy just dinner with love ones and celebrated my father's birthday. Reese got quite a lot of gifts. Educational toys which will add hours of fun for him :)

Some of the books for next year
In less than a week it will be new year. Time sure flies huh? Well, it is going to be an exciting year for us! Reese will be starting his homeschooling again and we will be doing 1st of 2 years of World History under Sonlight program. I am very excited. Science looks interesting too. Now, Math... mmmm... Reese dislikes Math and thus I slow down a lot. He will be doing Grade 2 Math and I hope he will show more interest next year! 

Homeschooling has become easier as I have learned quite a few things from experience. This time, I am more organized and preparation time was less. We have just set up a new workstation for Reese as he has outgrown his table and chairs. 

New workstation 
There will be more field trips and activities for Reese next year. Oh, and more playmates too! We are also looking forward to our Europe trip in February. It is going to be a really wonderful field trip for Reese. He will be learning about Ancient Rome next year and being able to be at those historical sites for real.... ah... just wonderful! Reese is a lucky boy. :)

My Instructor's Guide and program schedule all done for the 1st 3 months!


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

Oh yes he's a lucky fellow! Wish aunty can go to europe too, reese!

Baby Darren said...

What a lucky boy and Florence, what a good job you have done in homeschooling Reese...I wish I can do the same but somehow I don't ahve the determination..life seems so busy and pack with Isabel around..maybe I am not good at time management..

ANyway, happy 2012 to ypu and your family..

A gift from God said...

Come...come... :)


Thanks! You are doing great yourself.... relax a little bit more dear!