Sunday, February 07, 2010

Reese has a playroom!

Two tone glow in the dark wall paper (installed when I was pregnant with Reese)

Strong colour combination with simple furniture

We even put up a hot air balloon I bought 2 years ago for Reese

A glow in the dark puzzle completes the room.
Hubby and I bought it while I was pregnant with Reese

Last Saturday I had a sudden urge to turn the 3rd room (previously the maid sleeps here) into Reese's playroom. So we went to IKEA in the evening and got some racks to store some of the things in the room. We also use this room to do our ironing plus store room previously. The next morning, we went to IKEA again and got another rack, bookshelf and a carpet! Then went to a shop in Giza to buy some planet theme wall stickers. After spending half a day, we have a playroom minus the air-cond. The next day, which was FT day, we went to an electrical shop and got an air-cond. Yesterday they came and install the air-cond.

After all the hard work, all three of us are enjoying the room very much. Now I can do ironing without sweating! Still need to work out how to move more of Reese toys into the playroom! There are still half of his toys in the living room! :)


LittleLamb said...

nice nice....
so the pictures shown are the 3rd room *used to be maids*?

Baby Darren said...

envy envy...i have always wanted to create a space for Darren but never materialised. With the 2nd one coming, I am trying to allocate a small play area for him.

The playroom really looked nice. I;m sure Reese will be happy playing inside there. Maybe can convert into HIS BEDROOM instead, then u and ur hubby can have ur own space again...*blink..blink*...

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

nice! good on you guys for completing the project so soon. our ex"maid's room" is still a work-in-progress. i keep all sorts of junk in there and we've plans to turn it into a day-room of some sort.. but no go yet!

oh.. happy belated chinese new year!

A gift from God said...


Yeah, my maid used to have this room for her own use. :)

Baby Darren,
We are planning to move Reese to sleep in there eventually. hehehe...

Work on it. I did it spontaneously... suddenly felt like doing it.... hehe

MommyAngel said...

This is a super nice play room!!!! I really love it so much!! Feels so cosy staying there and you guys are really talented in inner deco la, I know I can't do that .....

A gift from God said...

Mommy Angel,

The trick is this... get a nice wallpaper and the rest will sort of blend in. :)