Wednesday, October 03, 2012

A Day Without iPad and Comics...

Punishment: 1 week no iPad and Comics for various reasons...

Didn't seem to affect him at all! He got up in the morning and went straight to his books.

After we got home from art class (tell you about it in another post) and lunch, Reese went straight to his building blocks. Then he decided to do a newspaper cover story about Titanic. It even comes with a website:! :)

Next he went into the room with me and spent the next 2 and half hours reading more books! Maybe next time I should take away the privilege to read and draw instead!

I love the following quote:

"Parenting a gifted child is like living in a theme park of full thrill rides. Sometimes you smile. Sometimes you gasp. Sometimes you scream. Sometimes you laugh. Sometimes you gaze in wonder and astonishment. Sometimes you're frozen in your seat. Sometimes you're proud. And sometimes, the ride is so nerve-wracking, you can't do anything but cry." Carol Strip & Gretchen Hirsh, in Webb, Gore, Amend, & DeVries

Yesterday I was at the point where the ride was so nerve-wracking, I can't do anything but cry. The past few weeks has been very challenging with Reese. Hopefully this phase will pass soon.  

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