Monday, February 04, 2008

Reese can recognize numbers!

After a little more than a week of card flashing, Reese can now recognize and say the numbers 2, 3,4,5,6,8,9 and 10. Given another 2 weeks I think he will be able to say all 10 numbers!!! Hehe...
Check out the video.. it was taken after 4 days of card flashing... I think... can't remember..

Yesterday we took him to Ikano for dinner... and then we went to Guardian to get his Scott's Emulsion... We gave him a blue basket to hold... and he was soooo cute..... Hubby managed to take a few pictures of him using the lousy camera phone but hey... it served its purpose anyway..hehe... At one point... I put in two bottles of Scott's... and my poor son... tried to carry the basket... He tried so hard until his face turned red for a second and simultaneously he let out a shout....hahaha... so funny. You know... like those weight lifter we see on TV ... when they try to lift up the heavy weights? Both hubby and I laughed so loud....

Oh... and last Friday night... we again went to Ikano to have one of his t-shirts exchanged.... He actually cornered a man and demanded for his balloon! and Reese got the balloon... it belongs to the man's son... hahaha.. Reese just kept pointing at the balloon..standing in front of the man.. and kept saying 'baboo' or something like that... funny..funny...

1 comment:

Ann said...

hahaha.....we will indeed miss all their cute funny antics when they grow up!

Perhaps that is why people have another one? *wink*