Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Science Co-Op Update

The happy kids getting ready for lesson

The science co-op I started for Reese is almost 2 years old. It is really great when you see how the children have progressed. We are not perfect but I believed everyone has benefitted including the parents. 2 days ago, it was my turn to supervise the class and it was a pleasure to see the kids being engaged and had fun learning. 

Reese's diagrams and explanation

We did a quick review about trees and gymnosperms. My assistant a.k.a Reese was all excited from the night before and helped me draw some diagrams for the class. After the review, I took the kids to a secondary jungle close by. They were told to look for twigs with terminal buds/ terminal bud scars, different types of leaves for comparison and also to study trees and barks... kids were excited and really took the time to appreciate nature and seriously studying trees and plants around them. 

It was really lovely watching the kids munch on their snack while in discussion whether a little wiggly thing they found on the forest floor was a worm or something else. 

After a 2 hour lesson, the kids were free to play and the mummies got to relax and chat a bit. 

Many parents think setting up a co-op is hard work. It is not. You just need to lay some ground rules, get committed and like minded parents together and share the teaching (more like supervising). For us, having a book and direction of what we want the kids to learn helps. This is so much better than spending hundreds of ringgit on enrichment classes. 
Going into the secondary jungle

Not sure what kind of nest this is but it is fascinating

All kinds of leaves and we found this fascinating

 Checking out the layers of a tree trunk and an amazing looking flower that contains seeds

Interesting seedlings/ sprouts

 Getting samples and check out this amazing looking spider and its web!

Checking out the leaves and spores they collected with a microscope

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