Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Pooh talk....

Reese: Mummy! 'ng ng'!!!!
Mummy: Oh... ok... let's go to the toilet... quick! (Put Reese on the throne)
After a while....
Mummy: So.... is it a big one?
Reese: Yup.... big one coming... (one piece of stool came out!)
Reese: Oooo Ohhhh... another one.... a small one.... maybe a long one....
Mummy: Are you done yet?
Reese: Nope.... more coming.... 'ng ng' very hard... so have to 'ng ng' slowly....
Reese: Reese have to eat more vegetables.....
Reese: It's coming.....mmmmmMMM......
Reese: How many pieces of 'ng ng' mummy? (Grins)
Mummy: Ooooeeweeee..... so smelly... (Pretends to close her nose)
Reese: (Laughs out loud). Mummy.... you cannot close your nose!
Mummy: (laughs)... finished?
Reese: YEEEESSSSS..... finished... can wash now.

Our typical pooh talk. Reese likes to describe his pooh with a lot of details with his limited vocabulary. Believe it or not... It's one of my favourite moments with him... having a pooh chat while waiting for him to pooh! hahaha....


MommyAngel said...

I am glad that mommy enjoyed the poo talk .... that makes the process more enjoyable! I don't know whether I can enjoy that as much as you do coz same as Angel, we hardly can 'talk' or breathe once we smell the poo, oh dear ....

A gift from God said...

Mommy Angel,

I know the smell is bad...but I will use my tshirt to close my nose...hahaha...and still talk... :)

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

hahhahaha hillarious! believe it or not, gibran and i have the same conversation too! "panjanggggg.." or "cairrrr.." he'd say. grosssss i know but its always soo good for a laugh!