Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reading Progress

If you have been reading my blog, you will realized that I haven't blogged on his reading! Why? Because mummy was too lazy and at one point Reese wasn't interested in reading! I didn't want to push him, he is still young. :)

So after at least 5 months of no reading exercises, I started again 4 days ago with high frequency words (flash cards) and phonics (computer). To make sure he doesn't get bored, I only flash the cards twice (less than 5 minutes) and if he is in a good mood, I will flash it once more. That's it. Then I will repeat this maybe another time in the evening. So less than 10 minutes a day with flash cards. :) I will turn on the Macbook and let him play the phonics and math games for as long as he wants at least once a day (can only do so when at home in the mornings or evenings).

Two days ago, after flashing cards, I will write simple sentences for him to read and it's nice that he can almost effortlessly read the following on his own.

Day 1:
  1. Reese can see.
  2. I can see.
  3. The cat can see.
  4. The dog can see.
  5. Mum can see.
  6. The cat is fat.
  7. The cat is on the mat.
Day 2:
  1. The rat can see Reese.
  2. The cat is for Reese.
  3. Reese is sad.
  4. Reese is in the house.
  5. The fish is in the water.
  1. The pig is on the barn.
  2. The frog is on a log.
  3. The bug is sad.
  4. The rocket is hot.
  5. The sun is big and hot.
** Something funny, each time he sees his own name, instead of reading his name, he will replace the name with Lightning Mcqueen (He is currently Lightning Mcqueen the race car)!

I combined both phonics that he knew with high frequency words that I am working with him. So far so good and the learning is kept at less than 5 minutes each time and I tried to do it twice a day. A tip mummies and daddies, never force and do it when the child is ready. Happy learning. Will update more soon.

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