Tuesday, September 02, 2008

At 23 months and 2 days old

Reese's terrible two year has started. When his demand for certain things not met, he will really scream and shout and wail ever so loudly. Last week we had a real taste of it. My mom took him to cut his hair and he got scared and refused. My mom had to force him and he cried and kicked and screamed. When at home, he kicked up a fuss again and when I came home he sort of settled down a bit but was super cranky the rest of the day. Later when hubby took him home while I went to work, he again got cranky and cried and hurled himself on the bed, bang his head, kicked and screamed. Hubby just don't know what to do and lost his cool and shouted at him and left him in the room for a while. Hubby was really angry with his son...hahaha... but later still sayang him...

Whenever we go out now, we have to be careful not to pass by places that sell balloons or windmills. He will insist on getting one otherwise, he will shout for that thing and cry. Other than that, he is ok. It's getting tough controling this little one. I have started to discipline him by not meeting every single demand. Like this morning, he wanted to play with the house keys and I needed them to close the door and gate, when I tried to take it from him, he protested, after reasoning with him failed, I just snatched the keys and close the house door. Leaving him inside to cry. After maybe 2 minutes, he tried to open the door and once he saw me... he cried again and I just ignored him. After another minute, I open the door and told him we have to go...and he stopped crying and let me take his hand and we went out. He was ok then. Ah kids.... terrible two terrible two...wonder what's next.

As for development, he is about 14.5kgs, height not sure, still picky with food, speaking in 4 to 5 words phases, talkative, playful, likes to describe things with colours and shapes like big green leaf, purple balloon falls down, green heart shape....etc... Now that he knows the 26 alphabet sounds, he will try to associate a thing to the correct alphabet sound. Mummy didn't teach much this month...a little lazy... only reads to him.... and he is also learning some mandarin words through a DVD... he knows papa is daddy, mama is mummy, pi ze is nose, jui pa is mouth and etc.. fun... I am still looking for flash cards in mandarin teaching simple chinese characters. and physically, he can climb up a ladder! Also likes to jump down a step or two.


Moomykin said...

ah... now begins the see-saw of parenting, which can be emotionally draining - one moment they will be a monster and you also may become one, and the next they will be saying 'I love you' and you'll have to switch too...

This is also the time when reasoning sometimes just does not work, so you have to figure what form of punishment you will use. Tough-tough.

Ann said...

oh oh.....Reese is always an example to me on how boys could possibly be!

Pray for wisdom and patience to see you through this longer period!

A gift from God said...

Dear mummies,

It's tough so far, really trying to find a good way to discipline him. Very frustrating...